El paquete que va a SALVAR tu año/cuatrimester en la facultad!
It is divided into 8 modules based on the book of Medical Physiology Boron 3ed, with illustrative images and mental maps:
1. Osmosis and filtration
2. Glomerular Filtration
3. Clearance
4. Sodium Management
5. Potassium Management
6. Water and Urea Management
7. Effective Circulating Volume
8. Acid-Base
It's a REAL summary, it's NOT just definitions, descriptions and basic information that you can't reach for the exams and neither are the questions for the exams of the faculty.
The package has the data and information necessary to resolve questions and understand what he is doing!
Ya empezas el año AHORRANDO lo que nosostros , los universitarios, no tenemos.. TIEMPO!
Now there are no excuses for not going to the gym jaj!
*The content is for ANY COURSE in the health area*